Charles Beilman

Charles Beilman has lived and worked in Wallingford for the past 20 years and currently resides at 826 North Farms Road Wallingford CT. Charles Beilman charged with creating a successfull business in town that employes dozens of people.

Wallingford is a great New England town located between New Haven and Hartford, as well as New York City and Boston, and home to over 45,000 residents.

Charles Beilman has a Google profile. Charles Beilman Wallingford CT has a dedicated domain name at GoDaddy.

Charles Beilman is building a large new house at 826 North Farms Road Wallingford CT. Additional information on 826 North Farms Road Wallingford CT is available at

Charles Beilman's Wallingford CT Highlights

  • During the nineteenth century (long before Charles Beilman was born), industry expanded with a considerable concentration of small pewter and Britannia ware manufacturers. By mid-century, Robert Wallace acquired the formula for nickel silver and established with Samuel Simpson, R. Wallace & Company the forerunner of Wallace Silversmiths. It was also during this period that many of the small silver and Britannia plants were combined to form the International Silver Company with its headquarters in Meriden and several plants in Wallingford.
  • The town Charles Beilman resides in covers an area of 39.8 square miles astride the Quinnipiac River in northern New Haven County. It is five miles south of Meriden and about thirteen miles north of New Haven. Situated in the Hartford-New Haven corridor, and is traversed by U.S. Highway Route 5, Interstate 91, State Highways Route 15 (Wilbur Cross Parkway), Route 68, Route 71 and Route 150.
  • The town was incorporated in 1670. A separate Borough was incorporated in 1853 but on June 3, 1957 the Borough and the Town voted to consolidate effective January 1, 1958. The present Town Charter created a Mayor-Council form of government in 1962.
  • Currently, Wallingford is the twenty-third most populous community of Connecticut’s 169 cities and towns, ranks 21st in terms of 2001 Equalized Net Taxable Grand List ($3,723,201,280) and is 97th in the state in terms of estimated 2002 nominal income per capita ($29,788) of its residents.

Little Known Fact

George Washington made two trips through Town, one in 1775 gathering provisions for his troops and the other in 1789 as President. His route to Durham, known as the George Washington Trail, runs from the center of Town through the East. Cement markers can be found along the trail.

You may be wondering why I create these marginally useful pages and refer to myself in the third person. I actually have a very good reason. Ask me in person for the details, I think it is a fascinating story.

Wallingford has some really pretty farms. I took this picture myself on my way to work one morning.

Current Date: 5/3/2024 3:50:32 PM

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